Friday, April 24, 2009

blog #2

Last Shot
By: John Feinstein
“It’s easier to be a fan when you watch on TV.” (69). I picked this quote because it shows what Stevie and Susan are going through, and the fact that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. This means when you watch the game on TV, you don’t really know what’s going on. “But if students can’t trust their teachers, who can they trust.” (69). That does seem true because you think your teachers would be there to help you and not hurt you. Chip grabber is a really good “student-athlete” and his dad is the coach or MSU but a guy who works under chips dad is black mailing hi son. If I was chip grabber I would punch that mega douche in the face but make sure I recorded what he said so I could show my dad so he could fir the fagot who is blackmailing me. In conclusion Stevie and Susan Carol Anderson really need to and want to figure out why the guy is blackmailing chip grabber, before he throws the game on Monday. If they can’t talk to chip about why before he throws the game they are screwed and so is MSU, don’t forget his dad might get fired. Both of the quotes show much Stevie and Susan care about what is going on. I need to keep reading because I want to know what will happen next. Thanks that is all for today and everyone have a great day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blog #1

Last Shot
By: John Feinstein

“All the basketball coaches in the world go to the final four” Stevie said “It’s like a convention or something” (Feinstein, 7). Stevie is the main character, and he loves college basket ball. The quote above tells a lot about the book. Stevie’s dream was to become a collegiate sports writer. One way for him to reach this goal was to enter a writing contest sponsored by the USBWA. So he wanted to enter the contest, to witness the final four and have the opportunity to report. All of this began when he was young. His dad would bring him with to games and this led to his dreams of being a sports writer.
I was happy when he won the chance to be the reporter for the games. But, he had to share this opportunity with Susan Carol. Susan was very smart, athletic and pretty and this was tough for Stevie. His first reaction to her was obvious, “The first thing he noticed was that she was about nine feet tall. He looked down at her feet, figuring she was wearing heels. More bad news. She was wearing flats”(12). He also did not like that she was a Duke fan. She was always one step ahead of him. She finished her report first, and had more connections to famous coaches, like Coach K. He eventually writes a story that a lot of people liked. Also, though he claims to not like her they hang out all the time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

hello, i picked the book last shot because i went to the library and asked them if they could recamend me a basketball or mystery book. then mrs. swenson showed me last shot which is like both put also is long enough for class, and it looked good and it is good i am on page 68. my cousin devven also told me it was a good book so i got it.